Ad Campaign Optimization Hacks to Get the Best Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Digital marketing is more competitive than ever in 2021. This is because of consumer’s shifts toward social media and digital video. Businesses’ investment in digital marketing campaigns  is another reason, which has made digital advertising more competitive. As a result, an acceleration in the rise of paid ads can be seen. This shows ad spend […]

Google Updates: Phrase and Broad Match Keywords Are Preferred Now

Google Ads has updated the way queries are matched to keywords. The search engine will now be preferring phrases and broad match keywords that are identical to queries. Google has updated the keyword matching process for queries with no identical keyword match. Moreover, the company has unveiled that it will now use the capabilities of […]

How to Develop Shopify Custom Checkout App and Optimize Checkout Process?

Shopify is a subscription-based software that allows merchants to set up an online store and sell their products. These days, thousands of online eCommerce websites are using Shopify as the framework for their web pages. Although Shopify allows extensive front-end customization, the checkout process follows a standard format. Many merchants want to design a custom […]

7 Lesser-Known Facebook Marketing Tools to Increase Engagement by 153%

  Is Facebook engagement giving you a lot of pain? Does your social media team have a toilsome task every month to increase engagement? Have no fret! Facebook engagement can be easier and more worthy than you ever imagined. You might have found this out the hard way. At any given time, you can invest […]

What is Scrum and How It Helps Grow Your Business?

Scrum is precisely an evolution of Agile Project Management. It is an agile development methodology used for developing, delivering and sustaining products in a complex environment. It lets you have a set of meetings, tools, and roles for helping teams structure and manage their tasks. This effective, flexible and fast framework encourages teams to work […]

Google My Business Is Now Google Business Profile

Google My Business is now Google Business Profile. The reason behind this migration is to “keep things simple”, according to Google.” The search engine is planning to retire the Google My Business app completely sometime in 2022.  Small businesses can manage their profiles directly on Search or Maps. In the beginning, Google had launched GMB […]

Top Instagram Marketing Ideas to Turn Followers into Instagram Sales in 2022

Are you struggling to market on Instagram and convert followers into paying customers? Regrettably, it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s a gradual process that brings results ‘slow but sure.’ Don’t get me wrong. Selling to Instagram followers can be a challenge, especially when the ‘content influence’ you post is declining. Most businesses can […]

WordPress 5.9 Release Delayed Until January 25, 2022

The third major version release of WordPress for 2021 has been delayed. It will now be released on January 25, 2022. The step has been taken due to the significant fall of the project to such an extent that the core contributors voiced concerns about the feasibility of meeting the 2021 deadline. The reason behind […]

Maintain Business Continuity And Remain Engaged With Customers During COVID-19

COVID-19 has created panic all over the world, and it’s a big jerk. Social distancing is the only viable way to stop the contamination, and therefore we have become willingly isolated. But the flow of life does not stop here. The show must go on, so are the businesses. During this crisis, the most important […]

Leverage Technology to Work Remotely Amid COVID 19

The infection of COVID 19 has changed the workplace scenario abruptly. The convention work style from the office has become a jerk because coming out of the house and working multiple people under one roof is neither safe nor permissible. So working remotely is very much in practice these days. Worldwide people are working remotely […]