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Top DevOps Tools You can Use in 2021 for Your Business


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DevOps isn’t only a developmental mutation, it requires sophisticated tools to come to fruition. With the development of technology, diverse DevOps tools have been designed to make collaboration and development more manageable. However, these tools are not one-size-fits-all. So, evaluating the best ones for your business can be confusing and intimidating.

With that in mind, we’ve pulled together a list of well-loved DevOps tools you can use in 2021. These tools are open source and allow orchestration, microservices networking, CI/CD automation, configuration management, full-stack monitoring. They help ensure automation, transparency, and collaboration within your business.

Below are 5 popular and most preferred open-source DevOps tools for use in 2021.

#1 Docker

Docker is a popular free open source platform you can use in 2021 to ship, build, and run applications as a lightweight container. Containers package up libraries, binaries, configuration files, and dependencies required for a program to run. It is an excellent resource for expanding, packaging, and running apps irrespective of used operating environment. Using Docker Engine, receptacles can be accessed, which can help produce applications in a remote environment. Used by the world’s top enterprises like Adobe, Netflix, AT&T, PayPal, Docker reduces infrastructure costs.

Salient Features of Docker

  • Docker is Simple and allows faster configuration
  • It enhances productivity
  • It can run anywhere
  • It is good for security management
  • It facilitates distributed development
  • It works with AWS and GCP
  • It simplifies cloud migration
  • It allows adding features
  • It runs in Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • It integrates with deployment pipeline tools like GitHub and CircleCI

#2 Git

One of the highly recommended open-source DevOps tools, Git is a free version control software. It is used by industry tycoons such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. It increases speed and data integrity for non-linear, distributed workflows as well as allows businesses to track the progress of development and coordinate work.

Salient Features of Git

  • Git has the GPL v2 license
  • It is scalable and can support collaboration
  • It works on Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris, and AIX
  • It records history
  • It supports non-linear development
  • It performs backups
  • Git is easy to learn and can easily be used by beginners and experts alike
  • It comes with staging environments, multiple workflows, check-in, and various local branching

#3 Ansible

Ansible is all about automation, sponsored by Red Hat. This open source DevOps tool is used to automate things like software provisioning, networking, cloud provisioning, application deployment, configuration management and other tasks. It is easy to assemble. You just need a text editor and command line. Ansible helps you lower the costs of infrastructure. It uses a simple syntax that is written in the YAML language. One of the greatest achievements of the Ansible tool is that it is used by NASA.

Salient Features of Ansible

  • Ansible is good for security and compliance
  • It works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix systems
  • It allows faster productivity and easy scalability
  • It effortlessly manages complicated deployments
  • It is lighter than Puppet and a perfect tool for small teams
  • It integrates seamlessly with other tools such as Jenkins

#4 Puppet

Puppet is another DevOps tool that allows businesses to manage different software lifecycle stages and automate software inventory, delivery, and performance. This open-source tool comes with a decent track record and hundreds of modules. It is simply integrated with different platforms. It is one of the highly recommended DevOps options to work on a small-level project. Moreover, Puppet helps in patching, provisioning IT infrastructure, managing and configuring software components and accessing cloud infrastructure and data centers. Commercial software of Puppet offers out-of-the-box reporting, node management, orchestration, product support, and access control

  • Puppet is a base system configuration
  • It manages web servers
  • It manages database systems
  • It manages middleware/application systems
  • It is a model-driven tool that needs limited use of programming language.
  • It’s written in C++, Ruby, and Clojure
  • It works with Windows, Linux, and Unix-like operating systems.

#5 Jenkins

Jenkins is one of the finest DevOps tools to automate building, testing, and releasing code. It enables developers to automatically perpetuate code into the repository, drive test cases, and fetch reports collected after testing. It also streamlines building and deploying your projects. Its extensible automation server works great as a simple CI (continuous integration) server or a hub for continuous project delivery.

Further, Jenkins lets you write and deploy new code faster and presents quick feedback, notifies you if a sprint is leading to a broken build. Your team can easily QA each step of the build process. Plus, a huge library of plugins allows them to integrate it with many of the other DevOps tools in your toolkit.

Salient Features of Jenkins 

  • Jenkins is easy to install, distribute and configure
  • It supports 100+ plugins to integrate with almost every tool available in the CI/CD toolchain
  • It’s a self-contained program on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix systems
  • Its super extensible feature through plugins allow you to perform various additional functions
  • It can be used as a CI/CD tool for any software development project
  • It allows developers to integrate changes easily, monitor repeated tasks, and detect issues quickly

Summing Up

Using DevOps tools for your business is beneficial as it automates the software deployment process. The above listed are some of the most reliable and easy-to-use tools you can use to automate that process. They are not only about shipping quality code but also efficient execution to improve operations across the board. In 2021, SMEs are placing a lot of effort to wrangle the effects of introducing a microservice development style.

If you are looking for support to streamline the software development process, choose our DevOps experts who will help you future-proof your projects. Get in touch for immediate help. Planning to Outsource Software Development Services Join hands with top talents to change your business fortune.


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